'use strict';
var VJS = VJS || {};
VJS.models = VJS.models || {};
* Define the stack object here
* @constructor
* @class
* @memberOf VJS.models
* @public
VJS.models.stack = function() {
* @member
* @type {string}
this._id = '-1';
* @member
* @type {string}
this._uid = null; // first stack ID -> (0020, 9056)
* @member
* @type {number}
this._stackID = -1;
* @member
* @type {Array.<VJS.frame.model>}
this._frame = [];
* @member
* @type {number}
this._rows = 0;
* @member
* @type {number}
this._columns = 0;
* @member
* @type {number}
this._numberOfFrames = 0;
* @member
* @type {Object}
* @property {number} row
* @property {number} column
this._pixelSpacing = {
'row': 0,
'column': 0
this._spacingBetweenSlices = 0;
* @member
* @type {number}
this._sliceThickness = 0;
// origin of the first slice of the stack!
this._origin = null;
this._halfDimensions = null;
this._orientation = null;
this._textureSize = 4096;
this._nbTextures = 7; // HIGH RES..
this._rawData = [];
// this._windowCenter = 0;
// this._windowWidth = 0;
this._windowLevel = [0, 0];
this._windowCenter = 0;
this._windowWidth = 0;
this._minMax = [65535, -32768];
this._invert = false;
this._ijk2LPS = null;
this._lps2IJK = null;
// Slicer values
this._dimensions = null;
this._spacing = null;
this._origin = null;
this._direction = null;
* here me make sure eveything is ready for visualization.
* might also have a switch to say what we can view and what we can not view with current stack
* @public
VJS.models.stack.prototype.prepare = function() {
// dimensions of the stack
this._numberOfFrames = this._frame.length;
var zSpacing = this.zSpacing();
// prepare the frame
if (this._frame[0]._pixelSpacing) {
this._pixelSpacing.row = this._frame[0]._pixelSpacing[0];
this._pixelSpacing.column = this._frame[0]._pixelSpacing[1];
} else if (this._frame[0]._pixelAspectRatio) {
this._pixelSpacing.row = 1.0;
this._pixelSpacing.column = 1.0 * this._frame[0]._pixelAspectRatio[1] / this._frame[0]._pixelAspectRatio[0];
} else {
this._pixelSpacing.row = 1.0;
this._pixelSpacing.column = 1.0;
if (!this._frame[0]._imagePosition) {
this._frame[0]._imagePosition = [0, 0, 0];
if (!this._frame[0]._imageOrientation) {
this._frame[0]._imageOrientation = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
this._rows = this._frame[0]._rows;
this._columns = this._frame[0]._columns;
this._dimensions = new THREE.Vector3(this._columns, this._rows, this._numberOfFrames);
this._spacingBetweenSlices = this._frame[0]._spacingBetweenSlices;
this._sliceThickness = this._frame[0]._sliceThickness;
for (var i = 0; i < this._frame.length; i++) {
// check rows consistency
if (this._rows !== this._frame[i]._rows) {
// send an error message...
window.console.log('Numbers of rows in stack\'s frames is not consistent.');
window.console.log('First frame had: ', this._rows, ' rows');
window.console.log('Frame index: ', i, ' has: ', this._frame[i]._rows, ' rows.');
// check columns consitency
if (this._columns !== this._frame[i]._columns) {
// send an error message...
window.console.log('Numbers of columns in stack\'s frames is not consistent.');
window.console.log('First frame had: ', this._columns, ' columns.');
window.console.log('Frame index: ', i, ' has: ', this.frame[i]._columns, ' columns.');
// // check for spacing consistency
// if (this._pixelSpacing.row !== this._frame[i]._pixelSpacing[0] || this._pixelSpacing.column !== this._frame[i]._pixelSpacing[1]) {
// // send an error message...
// window.console.log('Spacing in stack\'s frames is not consistent.');
// window.console.log(this);
// window.console.log('First frame had : ', this._pixelSpacing.row, ' x ', this._pixelSpacing.column, ' spacing.');
// window.console.log('Frame index : ', i, ' has: ', this._frame[i]._pixelSpacing[0], ' x ', this._frame[i]._pixelSpacing[1], ' spacing.');
// }
// // check slice spacing consitency
// if (this._spacingBetweenSlices !== this._frame[i]._spacingBetweenSlices) {
// // send an error message...
// window.console.log('Spacing betwen slices in stack\'s frames is not consistent.');
// window.console.log(this);
// window.console.log('First frame had: ', this._spacingBetweenSlices, ' spacing betwen slices.');
// window.console.log('Frame index: ', i, ' has: ', this.frame[i]._spacingBetweenSlices, ' spacing betwen slices.');
// }
// // check for slice thickness consistency
// if (this._sliceThickness !== this._frame[i]._sliceThickness) {
// window.console.log('Slice thickness in stack\'s frames is not consistent.');
// window.console.log(this);
// window.console.log('First frame had: ', this._sliceThickness, ' sliceThickness.');
// window.console.log('Frame index: ', i, ' has: ', this._frame[i]._sliceThickness, ' sliceThickness.');
// }
// get min/max
this._minMax[0] = Math.min(this._minMax[0], this._frame[i]._minMax[0]);
this._minMax[1] = Math.max(this._minMax[1], this._frame[i]._minMax[1]);
// Origin
this._origin = new THREE.Vector3(
// Direction
var xCosine = new THREE.Vector3(
var yCosine = new THREE.Vector3(
var zCosine = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0).crossVectors(xCosine, yCosine).normalize();
this._direction = new THREE.Matrix4();
xCosine.x, yCosine.x, zCosine.x, 0,
xCosine.y, yCosine.y, zCosine.y, 0,
xCosine.z, yCosine.z, zCosine.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
this._spacing = new THREE.Vector3(
// half dimensions are useful for faster computations of intersection.
this._halfDimensions = new THREE.Vector3(
this._dimensions.x / 2, this._dimensions.y / 2, this._dimensions.z / 2);
// orientation needed to compute stack BBox interection against slice.
// always same, might want to remove it.
var baseX = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0);
var baseY = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0);
var baseZ = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
this._orientation = new THREE.Vector3(baseX, baseY, baseZ);
// IJK to LPS transform.
// and inverse.
this._ijk2LPS = new THREE.Matrix4();
xCosine.x * this._spacing.x, yCosine.x * this._spacing.y, zCosine.x * this._spacing.z, this._origin.x,
xCosine.y * this._spacing.x, yCosine.y * this._spacing.y, zCosine.y * this._spacing.z, this._origin.y,
xCosine.z * this._spacing.x, yCosine.z * this._spacing.y, zCosine.z * this._spacing.z, this._origin.z,
0, 0, 0, 1);
this._lps2IJK = new THREE.Matrix4();
// Get total number of voxels
var nbVoxels = this._dimensions.x * this._dimensions.y * this._dimensions.z;
window.console.log('start packing data for WebGL texture...');
// create Uint8 array to be used to generate textures
var requiredTextures = Math.ceil(nbVoxels / (this._textureSize * this._textureSize));
for (var ii = 0; ii < requiredTextures; ii++) {
// *3 because always create RGB
this._rawData.push(new Uint8Array(this._textureSize * this._textureSize * 4));
var frameDimension = this._dimensions.x * this._dimensions.y;
var textureDimension = this._textureSize * this._textureSize;
// we can compute frame index before hand and have N loops
for (var jj = 0; jj < nbVoxels; jj++) {
var frameIndex = ~~(jj / frameDimension);
var inFrameIndex = jj % (frameDimension);
var textureIndex = ~~(jj / textureDimension);
var inTextureIndex = jj % (textureDimension);
//if (this._numberOfChannels === 3) {
// this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex] = this._frame[frameIndex]._pixelData[4 * inFrameIndex];
// this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex + 1] = this._frame[frameIndex]._pixelData[4 * inFrameIndex + 1];
// this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex + 2] = this._frame[frameIndex]._pixelData[4 * inFrameIndex + 2];
// this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex + 3] = this._frame[frameIndex]._pixelData[4 * inFrameIndex + 3];
//} else {
var rawValue = this._frame[frameIndex]._pixelData[inFrameIndex];
// get most significant (msb) and less significant (lsb) bytes
// deal with sign?
// deal with number of channels
// deal with image type (single/multi channel)
// >> or >>> ?
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Bitwise_Operators#Unsigned_right_shift
/*jshint bitwise: false*/
var lsb = rawValue & 0xFF;
var msb = (rawValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
// add
this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex] = msb;
this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex + 1] = lsb;
//this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex + 2] = frameIndex;
//this._rawData[textureIndex][4 * inTextureIndex + 3] = frameIndex;
// default window level based on min/max for now...
// could use the frame's windowWidth and center...
var width = this._minMax[1] - this._minMax[0];
var center = this._minMax[0] + width / 2;
this._windowWidth = width;
this._windowCenter = center;
this._windowLevel = [center, width];
// need to pass min/max
this._bitsAllocated = this._frame[0]._bitsAllocated;
window.console.log('done preparing stack');
* Order frames based on theirs dimensionIndexValues
VJS.models.stack.prototype.orderFrameOnDimensionIndices = function(a, b) {
if ('_dimensionIndexValues' in a && Object.prototype.toString.call(a._dimensionIndexValues) === '[object Array]' && '_dimensionIndexValues' in b && Object.prototype.toString.call(b._dimensionIndexValues) === '[object Array]') {
for (var i = 0; i < a._dimensionIndexValues.length; i++) {
if (parseInt(a._dimensionIndexValues[i]) > parseInt(b._dimensionIndexValues[i])) {
//window.console.log(a._dimensionIndexValues[i] + ' > ' + b._dimensionIndexValues[i]);
//window.console.log(typeof a._dimensionIndexValues[i] + ' > ' + typeof b._dimensionIndexValues[i]);
return 1;
if (parseInt(a._dimensionIndexValues[i]) < parseInt(b._dimensionIndexValues[i])) {
//window.console.log(a._dimensionIndexValues[i] + ' < ' + b._dimensionIndexValues[i]);
//window.console.log(typeof a._dimensionIndexValues[i] + ' < ' + typeof b._dimensionIndexValues[i]);
return -1;
} else {
window.console.log('One of the frames doesn\'t have a _dimensionIndexValues array.');
return 0;
VJS.models.stack.prototype.orderFrames = function() {
// order the frames based on theirs dimension indices
// first index is the most important.
// 1,1,1,1 willl be first
// 1,1,2,1 will be next
// 1,1,2,3 will be next
// 1,1,3,1 wil be next
if (this._frame[0]._dimensionIndexValues) {
} else if (this._frame[0]._imagePosition && this._frame[0]._imageOrientation) {
var xCosine = new THREE.Vector3(
var yCosine = new THREE.Vector3(
var zCosine = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0).crossVectors(xCosine, yCosine).normalize();
// compute and sort by dist in this series
this._frame.map(this._computeDistance.bind(null, zCosine));
} else {
// else slice location
// image number
// ORDERING BASED ON instance number
// _ordering = 'instance_number';
// first_image.sort(function(a,b){return a["instance_number"]-b["instance_number"]});
VJS.models.stack.prototype._computeDistance = function(normal, frame) {
frame._dist = frame._imagePosition[0] * normal.x +
frame._imagePosition[1] * normal.y +
frame._imagePosition[2] * normal.z;
return frame;
VJS.models.stack.prototype._sortDistance = function(a, b) {return a._dist - b._dist;};
VJS.models.stack.prototype.zSpacing = function() {
// Spacing
// can not be 0 if not matrix can not be inverted.
var zSpacing = 1;
if (this._numberOfFrames > 1) {
if (this._spacingBetweenSlices) {
zSpacing = this._spacingBetweenSlices;
} else if (this._frame[0]._sliceThickness) {
zSpacing = this._frame[0]._sliceThickness;
} else {
var xCosine = new THREE.Vector3(
var yCosine = new THREE.Vector3(
var zCosine = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0).crossVectors(xCosine, yCosine).normalize();
// compute and sort by dist in this series
this._frame.map(this._computeDistance.bind(null, zCosine));
zSpacing = this._frame[1]._dist - this._frame[0]._dist;
if (zSpacing === 0) {
zSpacing = 1;
return zSpacing;
VJS.models.stack.prototype.merge = function(stack) {
// try to merge imageHelper with current image.
// same image if same Series UID?
// could use concatenation if available, to already know if image is complete!
var sameStackID = false;
if (this._stackID === stack._stackID) {
sameStackID = true;
// Make sure image information is consisent?
// re-compute it?
var frame = stack._frame;
// Merge Stacks (N against N)
// try to match all stack to current stacks, if not add it to stacks list!
for (var i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) {
// test stack against existing stack
for (var j = 0; j < this._frame.length; j++) {
// test dimension
// dimension index value not defined!
if (
// dimension index is unique
(this._frame[j]._dimensionIndexValues &&
frame[i]._dimensionIndexValues &&
this._frame[j]._dimensionIndexValues.join() === frame[i]._dimensionIndexValues.join()) ||
// instance number is unique?
(this._frame[j]._instanceNumber &&
frame[i]._instanceNumber &&
this._frame[j]._instanceNumber === frame[i]._instanceNumber) ||
// imagePosition + imageOrientation is unique
(this._frame[j]._imagePosition &&
frame[i]._imagePosition &&
this._frame[j]._imagePosition.join() === frame[i]._imagePosition.join() &&
this._frame[j]._imageOrientation &&
frame[i]._imageOrientation &&
this._frame[j]._imageOrientation.join() === frame[i]._imageOrientation.join() &&
// FOR DIFFUSION.. same position but different instance numbers...
this._frame[j]._instanceNumber &&
frame[i]._instanceNumber &&
this._frame[j]._instanceNumber === frame[i]._instanceNumber) //||
// _pixelData length is unique...? imageSOP?
// (this._frame[j]._pixelData &&
// frame[i]._pixelData &&
// this._frame[j]._pixelData.length === frame[i]._pixelData.length)
) {
window.console.log(frame[i], this._frame[j]);
} else if (j === this._frame.length - 1) {
window.console.log('PUSHING FRAME TO STACK!');
return sameStackID;
/*** Exports ***/
var moduleType = typeof module;
if ((moduleType !== 'undefined') && module.exports) {
module.exports = VJS.models.stack;