================== REST API Reference ================== This API uses the standard Collection+JSON_ hypermedia type to exchange resource representations with clients. All the functionality provided by the API can be discovered by clients by doing :http:method:`get` requests to links ("href" elements) presented by the hypermedia documents returned by the web server, starting with the API's "home page". .. _Collection+JSON: http://amundsen.com/media-types/collection/ The API's "home page" relative url is: /api/v1/ which serves a user-specific `collection of plugins`_. .. _`collection of plugins`: collections/plugin.html There are two main types of resources served by the API: **Collection** A resource to group other resources together. Its representation focuses on links to other resources, though it may also include snippets from the representations of those other resources. **Item** A standalone resource that is linked to from a collection’s representation. The following table shows the API's HTTP protocol semantics for these resource types: .. table:: **API's accepted HTTP requests** ===================== ===================== ===================== ===================== Collection resource Item resource -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- read-only read/write read-only read/write ===================== ===================== ===================== ===================== :http:method:`get` :http:method:`get` :http:method:`get` :http:method:`get` :http:method:`post` :http:method:`put` :http:method:`delete` ===================== ===================== ===================== ===================== Following are the actuall lists of resource types: **Collections:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 collections/plugin collections/allplugin collections/plugin_parameter **Items:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 items/plugin items/plugin_parameter items/user