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/** * Imports ***/
import { ItemResource, ListResource } from './resource';
import { FeedList, Feed } from './feed';

 * Tag item resource object representing a feed tag.
export class Tag extends ItemResource {
   * Fetch a list of feeds that are tagged with this tag from the REST API.
   * @param {Object} [params=null] - page parameters object
   * @param {number} [params.limit] - page limit
   * @param {number} [params.offset] - page offset
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<TagFeedList>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``TagFeedList`` object
  getTaggedFeeds(params = null, timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'feeds';
    const resourceClass = TagFeedList;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, params, timeout);

   * Fetch a list of taggings made with this tag from the REST API.
   * @param {Object} [params=null] - page parameters object
   * @param {number} [params.limit] - page limit
   * @param {number} [params.offset] - page offset
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<TagTaggingList>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``TagTaggingList`` object
  getTaggings(params = null, timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'taggings';
    const resourceClass = TagTaggingList;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, params, timeout);

   * Make a PUT request to modify this tag item resource through the REST API.
   * @param {Object} data - request JSON data object
   * @param {string} [data.name] - tag name
   * @param {string} [data.color] - tag color
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<this>} - JS Promise, resolves to ``this`` object
  put(data, timeout = 30000) {
    return this._put(data, null, timeout);

   * Make a DELETE request to delete this tag item resource through the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise} - JS Promise
  delete(timeout = 30000) {
    return this._delete(timeout);

 * Tag list resource object representing a list of a feed's tags.
export class TagList extends ListResource {
   * Constructor
   * @param {string} url - url of the resource
   * @param {Object} [auth=null] - authentication object
   * @param {string} [auth.token] - authentication token
  constructor(url, auth = null) {
    super(url, auth);

    /** @type {Object} */
    this.itemClass = Tag;

   * Fetch a list of feeds from the REST API.
   * @param {Object} [searchParams=null] - search parameters object which is
   * resource-specific, the ``FeedList.getSearchParameters`` method can be
   * used to get a list of possible search parameters
   * @param {number} [searchParams.limit] - page limit
   * @param {number} [searchParams.offset] - page offset
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<FeedList>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``FeedList`` object
  getFeeds(searchParams = null, timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'feeds';
    const resourceClass = FeedList;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, searchParams, timeout);

   * Make a POST request to this tag list resource to create a new tag item resource
   * through the REST API.
   * @param {Object} data - request JSON data object
   * @param {string} [data.name] - tag name
   * @param {string} [data.color] - tag color
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<this>} - JS Promise, resolves to ``this`` object
  post(data, timeout = 30000) {
    return this._post(data, null, timeout);

 * Tagging item resource object representing a tagging of an specific feed with an
 * specific tag.
export class Tagging extends ItemResource {
   * Fetch the tag associated to this tagging from the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<Tag>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``Tag`` object
  getTag(timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'tag';
    const resourceClass = Tag;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, null, timeout);

   * Fetch the feed associated to this tagging from the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<Feed>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``Feed`` object
  getFeed(timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'feed';
    const resourceClass = Feed;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, null, timeout);

   * Make a DELETE request to delete this tagging item resource through the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise} - JS Promise
  delete(timeout = 30000) {
    return this._delete(timeout);

 * Tag-specific tagging list resource object representing a list of taggings made with an
 * specific tag.
export class TagTaggingList extends ListResource {
   * Constructor
   * @param {string} url - url of the resource
   * @param {Object} [auth=null] - authentication object
   * @param {string} [auth.token] - authentication token
  constructor(url, auth = null) {
    super(url, auth);

    /** @type {Object} */
    this.itemClass = Tagging;

   * Fetch the tag associated to this tag-specific list of taggings from the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<Tag>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``Tag`` object
  getTag(timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'tag';
    const resourceClass = Tag;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, null, timeout);

   * Make a POST request to this tag-specific tagging list resource to create a new
   * tagging item resource through the REST API.
   * @param {Object} data - request JSON data object
   * @param {string} data.feed_id - id of the feed to be tagged
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<this>} - JS Promise, resolves to ``this`` object
  post(data, timeout = 30000) {
    return this._post(data, null, timeout);

 * Feed-specific tagging list resource object representing a list of taggings applied to
 * an specific feed.
export class FeedTaggingList extends ListResource {
   * Constructor
   * @param {string} url - url of the resource
   * @param {Object} [auth=null] - authentication object
   * @param {string} [auth.token] - authentication token
  constructor(url, auth = null) {
    super(url, auth);

    /** @type {Object} */
    this.itemClass = Tagging;

   * Fetch the feed associated to this feed-specific list of taggings from the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<Feed>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``Feed`` object
  getFeed(timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'feed';
    const resourceClass = Feed;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, null, timeout);

   * Make a POST request to this feed-specific tagging list resource to create a new
   * tagging item resource through the REST API.
   * @param {Object} data - request JSON data object
   * @param {string} data.tag_id - id of the tag to be used to tag the feed
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<this>} - JS Promise, resolves to ``this`` object
  post(data, timeout = 30000) {
    return this._post(data, null, timeout);

 * Tag-specific feed list resource object representing a list of feeds that are tagged
 * with an specific tag.
export class TagFeedList extends ListResource {
   * Constructor
   * @param {string} url - url of the resource
   * @param {Object} [auth=null] - authentication object
   * @param {string} [auth.token] - authentication token
  constructor(url, auth = null) {
    super(url, auth);

    /** @type {Object} */
    this.itemClass = Feed;

   * Fetch the tag associated to this tag-specific list of feeds from the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<Tag>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``Tag`` object
  getTag(timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'tag';
    const resourceClass = Tag;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, null, timeout);

 * Feed-specific tag list resource object representing a list of tags that an specific
 * feed is tagged with.
export class FeedTagList extends ListResource {
   * Constructor
   * @param {string} url - url of the resource
   * @param {Object} [auth=null] - authentication object
   * @param {string} [auth.token] - authentication token
  constructor(url, auth = null) {
    super(url, auth);

    /** @type {Object} */
    this.itemClass = Tag;

   * Fetch the feed associated to this feed-specific list of tags from the REST API.
   * @param {number} [timeout=30000] - request timeout
   * @return {Promise<Feed>} - JS Promise, resolves to a ``Feed`` object
  getFeed(timeout = 30000) {
    const linkRelation = 'feed';
    const resourceClass = Feed;

    return this._getResource(linkRelation, resourceClass, null, timeout);